Monday, November 18, 2019

Del. Terri Hill Announces Candidacy for Maryland’s 7th Congressional District

Delegate and Physician will run for Elijah Cummings’ seat in special election.

Del. Terri Hill   Photo:
State Delegate Terri Hill, M.D. announced on November 18 that she will run in the Democratic primary for the open seat in Maryland’s 7th Congressional District, which is comprised of parts of Baltimore City, Baltimore County and Howard County. Hill, a 50-year Howard County resident and plastic and reconstructive surgeon, has practiced in the Baltimore metro area for almost 30 years. Having been first elected to the House of Delegates in 2014, she represents Legislative District 12, which largely includes sections of Baltimore and Howard Counties lying within the 7th Congressional District.

Hill, a public school graduate, received her degree in bioelectric engineering from Harvard University and medical degree from Columbia College of Physicians Surgeons. She returned home to set up her medical practice and small business.

“Ensuring that every child has the opportunity to succeed, that everyone has access to good healthcare and every woman has autonomy over her own healthcare and that every worker receives a sustainable wage is central to my vision for the people of Maryland 7th Congressional District,” Hill said in a statement. “I understand the importance of opportunity and how it can change lives.”

Dr. Hill serves on the Health and Government Operations Committee, but her legislative successes extend to education, the environment and improving the lives of the underserved. In the 2019 Legislative Session, Delegate Hill introduced successful legislation that included improving access to prescription drugs for patients with chronic illnesses, creating programs and funding mechanisms to assist seniors wishing to age in place, providing access to HIV prevention medication to minors and ensuring better public and jurisdictional notice of contaminated rivers.

“I am uniquely qualified to represent this community in Congress,” says Hill. “Decades of clinical experience have made me an effective listener, problem solver and advocate and given me a much-needed perspective on how policies and actions impact people at the point of delivery.”

The issues, which propelled Hill to seek public office, have only intensified at the national level. In an era of growing skepticism and increasing threats to our democratic institutions, Dr. Hill’s thoughtful approach prioritizes basic American values that respect fairness, equality and human dignity. It’s more critical than ever that a voice of her experience, passion and relevance be part of the conversation.  #hocopolitics

For more information about Terri Hill’s campaign, visit

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