During the heat of an election
campaign we hear some people deride an opposing candidate as being a “nice guy”
as if that’s a liability. (For the purpose of this post, the term “nice guy” in
the vernacular applies to both genders.)
The context being the person has different values, positions and a
faulty record, but his being a “nice guy” might carry him through the day.

One of the many axioms in politics is not
to downplay a candidate’s likability.
This is not to suggest that likability is sufficient to win an election.
Stances on specific issues, party affiliation, the current political
environment, the opponent, oratory skills, the amount of money raised and spent,
endorsements, record, biography, and voter turnout are among those factors in
shaping an election. #hocopolitics
But likability is a major strength
especially if voters are not engaged on the issues or are not informed regarding
the candidates. It could be decisive with other factors being equal, and all
politicians would be wise to make that an asset for themselves.
Throughout history, likability has frequently
been a rationale for voters. It became
more prevalent starting with the Kennedy-Nixon contest in 1960 when television,
for the first time, was a major element in the election campaign. Most pundits opined that the televised debate
between those two candidates was the turning point. Nixon looked nervous, sweaty and pale on
black and white television though he was the more experienced politician, while
the young John F. Kennedy seemed alert, fresh and vibrant. Of course, Nixon had been suffering from a
cold and eschewed using make-up, but he won the debate on the merits. Nonetheless, Nixon lost the night because of
the optics.
Voters around the country gave Kennedy
a closer look and liked what they saw. They
fell in love with his beautiful, glamorous wife and young daughter, and Kennedy
himself possessed strong oratory skills, charisma and was inspirational. In short, enough of the voters liked him, his
personality and his family to hand him a slim margin of victory at the
polls. Nixon, seen as glum, was doomed to
falter to the more pleasant Kennedy.
There are exceptions, of course, but other
presidential contests demonstrated how likability may have been a
determinant. There was the affable,
sunny Ronald Reagan winning over the turgid Jimmy Carter. Folksy, down-home Bill Clinton defeating the privileged
George H.W. Bush (with a little help from Ross Perot). Jocular George W. Bush losing the votes but
winning the Electoral College over the stiff and sighing Al Gore (assisted by Ralph
Nader and the Supreme Court). And Bush
again edging another stiff one, John Kerry.
Then you have the historic candidacy
of Barack Obama—a far more likable chap than the cranky John McCain and mega-rich
snob Mitt Romney—winning two terms. He
even gave a nod to the likability factor as he famously told Hillary Clinton
during a primary debate, “You’re likeable enough Hillary.” But that retort backfired on the political
neophyte as it was seen as patronizing.
Those likable candidates mentioned
above would have won those elections regardless of likability because there
were overriding issues that interested and engaged the electorate. But there is no
doubt that favorable trait played a role in their success.
Any political advisor or consultant worth
his or her salt would tell you that it is critical to be likable. This is especially applicable in local
contests when issues typically don’t rise to the level of national security and
other broad concerns. It could be a
difference maker.
The way to deal with that during a
campaign is to either drive up the likable opponent’s negatives or improve
their own favorability. Those already
holding elected office could look back and note that their likability may have
helped put them in those jobs.
The value of likability should never
be underestimated even if elections are rarely won or lost based on that alone.
However, on most occasions it seems that nice
guys do finish first.
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