Browsing through the new
pictorial history book, LGBT Baltimore,
just released on August 17 you will see a float from a 1990 Pride parade. You will notice a black and white shot of the
Names Project Quilt on display at the Baltimore Museum of Art in 1988. And there is a color photo of Harvey
Schwartz, the Community Center’s first executive director and a founder of the
Center’s Chase Street building, sitting behind his desk on the phone. These and 150 other images are contained in
this chronicle of LGBT history in Baltimore spanning five decades.

For those of us who have lived
through part or all of the history of the struggle for LGBT equality in
Baltimore during this period will wax nostalgic at these photos and recall some
of the local leaders who led the fight. Among the heroes pictured besides
Schwartz are Elliott Brager, Lynda Dee, Ann Gordon, Jim Becker, Mardie Walker
and Steve Shavitz.
Scenes of Pride parades and
celebrations from yesteryear are dotted throughout. Photographs from venues like the 31st
Street Bookstore, which was a feminist business that became popular with
Baltimore’s lesbian community, played a key role in our culture and movement
and are exhibited in the book.
Sad recollections of the AIDS
epidemic are also represented in various ways, but images portraying the
community’s response to the crisis are inspirational. A poignant shot of marchers carrying a
PFLAG-Baltimore banner is a gloomy reminder that such a chapter no longer
exists in a city that sorely is in need of one.
There are uplifting photographs
that record our long-fought triumphs, such as those images that illustrate the
tireless efforts to get a non-discrimination bill through Baltimore’s
oft-resistant city council as well as the photograph of Baltimore Mayor
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake with the two men whose nuptials she officiated, thus
becoming the first same-sex couple to marry legally in Maryland.LGBT Baltimore may not be a perfect telling of the story, but history, as we know, is imperfect, and the book does have its flaws. The frenetic three-page Introduction did not start off well as the author uses the term “transgendered” instead of “transgender,” in the first line, which is considered by many in the community as inappropriate terminology. The error is repeated in several other places in the book.
That same Introduction is too
crammed with text in minuscule print rather than allowing the photos themselves
to capture the history. The Introduction
should merely contain a high-level summary of what to expect inside.
While LGBT Baltimore is divided into four sections, there is a lack of
flow and bridging from one to the next.
If a chronology of events should form the basis for these sections, then
photos from 1992 and 1994 should not be mixed in with more recent shots in the
final section, “Gaily Forward.”
Moreover, and this is a quibble
with the publisher’s design team, the olive green background for the cover does
not scream out “LGBT Baltimore!” It is
more akin to an old Army manual.
Something loud, something gay, something lavender would have been more
fitting and more eye-catching.
On the positive side, the author
Louise Parker Kelley, perhaps better suited to handle this project than most as
she had been a warrior through much of the period covered in the book, worked
indefatigably to compile as many representative photos as she could. A good number of the samples had their
origins before digital cameras with high resolutions, yet the quality was
surprisingly good.
LGBT Baltimore provides
an excellent means to revisit the highs and lows of the city’s culture and
battles through the years. And if you
are a younger person, it’s a good opportunity to explore the last few decades
through photographs that shaped the current era.
LGBT Baltimore by
Louise Parker Kelley, $22.99, 96 pages/soft cover, Arcadia Publishing. Available at local retailers, online bookstores,
or through Arcadia Publishing and The History Press
or call 888-313-2665.
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