The latest
attempt is ill-timed and ill-advised.

A Republican House Judiciary
Committee aide said in response, “Under the Constitution, impeachment is an
extraordinary remedy to remove certain elected officials from office who have
committed high crimes and misdemeanors. It’s the policy of the committee to
consider impeachment articles if and when the constitutional criteria for
impeachment exist.”
For those Democrats, this may
have been a cathartic move for their constituents or the 40 percent of the
country that would want to see the president impeached.
Moreover, California billionaire
and Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer has launched an impeachment drive and is
demanding that every Democratic candidate make impeachment the centerpiece of
their 2018 campaign.
Trump “is a threat to the
American people,” Steyer said last week in an interview with ABC News. “Why
aren’t people willing to stand up and say that? I don't understand it.”
Democratic leadership has put
the kibosh on that. “I’m not making [impeachment] a priority,” Pelosi told LA Times columnist Doyle McManus last
week. “If you're going to go down the impeachment path, you have to know you
can do it not in a partisan way.”
Democrats may want an
impeachment effort to go forward but independents aren’t on board yet. A Politico/Morning Consult Poll this month
found that although 40 percent of voters believe the House should begin
impeachment proceedings, 49 percent disagree.

Democrats do not control either
body of Congress, and while most Democrats and a good number of Republicans
would prefer that Trump not remain in office, nothing will come of an
impeachment effort now. To be sure,
Republicans are terrified of ticking off Trump’s base and would like nothing
more than to avoid a Bannon-led primary to unseat them. Therefore, you can’t
count on them.
If Democrats make impeachment
the focus of their 2018 campaigns without offering a positive rationale for
voters to support their own candidacies, all they will accomplish is bringing
out the Trumpsters to the polls in droves as their loyalty to him though
faltering slightly is still strong. It would accurately appear as a politically
partisan effort. This would compromise
the Dems’ efforts to regain control of the House, if not the Senate.
The dilemma of whether to
impeach or not to impeach should find a solution with the Robert Mueller probe
into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, possible collusion with the Trump
campaign to aid that effort, and obstruction of justice among other criminal
charges to Trump’s associates and even his family members if not the president
Mr. Mueller, one of the most
highly respected (and feared) prosecutors in the country, is methodically
building a case so strong that it will shake the world. When the findings are revealed—and they will
be damning—only then will bi-partisan impeachment and conviction by two-thirds
of the Senate be probable because the country will demand it.
Of course, if Trump finds a way to fire Mueller beforehand, that is an impeachable offense in its own right.
Of course, if Trump finds a way to fire Mueller beforehand, that is an impeachable offense in its own right.
I'm already convinced that Pence is the actual POTUS. Trump is just a diversion. You need to follow the money trail and how/who matched Pence to Trump. It is terrifying story of billionaires who want to rule the world. Pence is actually their puppet.
I agree to some extent and believe that much of Trump's agenda is tied to Pence's ideology.
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