you for the well-deserved article on the retirement of Vic Broccolino from
Howard County General Hospital (“Hospital’s ‘people person’ steps down,”
January 9). The article points out accurately that Vic has been and will
always be a “people person.”

I will never forget one of our early encounters when I appropriately addressed the CEO as Mr. Broccolino. Instantly, he explained, “Mr. Broccolino is my father’s name; you should call me Vic.” I also had fun times watching and listening to Vic be the emcee for the annual volunteer awards dinner. At the time there was no YouTube, but his performances would surely have landed there.

never lost track of the fact that the people make a hospital run, and his
respect for employees from the top surgeon to the hard-working maintenance
worker was never lost on us as we proudly served under his leadership.
Vic, I wish him a long and healthy retirement, and to his family a well-earned
reunion with him.
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