I have to admit that when I first
read the news that Westboro Baptist Church founder Fred Phelps died at 84, I
was elated. He was scum and inflicted
pain on others. My first instinct was to organize pickets at his funeral (there
was none as it turned out) with signs reading “God Hates Bigots” or “Thank God
for Dead Haters” to return the favor for his church’s disgusting activities
since 1998. Few people can induce cheers
from a death; Osama bin Laden is a recent example.

Phelps’ death does provide us
with the comfort that he will never be part of a tasteless protest at funerals
and other events (he hasn’t personally since 2007) though his vile, extremist
daughter will be sure to carry on the tradition. He’s gone now, and hardly anyone I know shed
a tear.
But cheering his death and
demonstrating visibly would not make us much better than him, if you think
about it. The LGBT community and its
allies can rejoice in the fact that we have made historic strides in the
overall quest for equality; progress is seen almost every day in the U.S. if
not the world. Part of this advancement can
be attributed to the fact we are less likely to be viewed as some abstract,
bizarre subgroup of society but everyday folks: teachers, farmers, police
officers, lawyers, dentists, physicians, co-workers, neighbors, friends and
family members.
Acting in the same way as Fred
Phelps and his obnoxious followers (mostly family members) will not help
further our cause and win over those people who are slow to come around. While
such release of emotion may be cathartic, it’s best to internalize it and let
it be. Hating is hating, and hate is
never good.
But we can at least find solace
in reflecting upon how Phelps had been an unwitting ally during our
struggle. Sure he wants us all dead
(that’s going to happen anyway) and preaches that God is a vengeful God. And his hateful language on his garish signs
does not make for pleasant viewing. Look
past the idiocy and think of how he helped us in ways he never imagined.
When 21 year-old college student
Matthew Shepard was murdered in Laramie, Wyo. in 1998, there was a chilling
sadness among gays and lesbians as well as other sensible citizens. Another brutal attack on a gay man. Another
killing just because of who he was.
We’ve seen them before and we expected more to come. There were, and still are, too many
homophobes out to destroy us.
The Shepard murder gained
national attention because of this evil and heartless act committed by two
losers, yet the horrific incident would have faded as other news, such as the
Clinton impeachment, crowded out another gay bashing. But enter Fred Phelps and his rag-tag brood
of haters with signs picketing Shepard’s funeral and applauding his death. They read: “Fags are Nature Freaks,” “Matt in
Hell” and “God Hates Fags.”
People noticed this incredible display
of insensitivity and hate and paused for a minute. Who can this group be that could celebrate
the vicious slaying of this waifish college student? Who can add even more trauma and heartache to
his grieving family?
The Westboro Baptist Church of
Topeka, Kan. led by Pastor Fred Phelps managed to extend the news coverage of
the Shepard murder by the hate-filled picketing. People saw this crazy band of people as
extremists, and decent-minded people, regardless of their stance on
homosexuality, were sympathetic towards the Shepard family.
The compassion remained but it
did not significantly change how people perceive gays and lesbians in
America. They saw Phelps and his church
as outliers and moved on. Then Phelps,
et al, made the biggest mistake of all and ultimately caused a shift in
people’s views towards the LGBT community.
Westboro started to picket the
funerals of American soldiers who were killed in the war in Iraq. They carried signs saying “Thank God for Dead
Soldiers” and “God Hates Fags” among others.
The families and friends of these servicemen were outraged by the
taunting. As Phelps continued this
practice repeatedly and winning a legal battle in the U.S. Supreme Court in
2011 over the right to free speech, more and more Americans had become furious
over this brand of heinous extremism.
Phelps did not stop there. They picketed hundreds of other funerals and
events declaring God’s retribution for America’s acceptance of homosexuality
and their gratitude for AIDS. They even
celebrated the deaths of the children in the Newtown, Conn. massacre. How low is that?
The country continued to despise
Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church.
Phelps’ hatred of gay people affected the masses whereby the enemy of my
enemy was becoming their friend: gays.
A few years ago, Judy Shepard,
who successfully crusaded to pass Federal hate crimes legislation that was named
after her son, was asked about Phelps. “Oh,
we love Freddy,” she told LGBTQ Nation. “If
it wasn’t for him there would be no Matthew Shepard.” She accurately pointed out that “Freddy”
elevated Matthew and hate crimes in general to more prominence than would have
otherwise. Phelps’ extremism caused
mainstream America to despise him, and as a result, they became more empathetic
to the plight of LGBT folks.
As for her reaction to Phelps’
demise, Judy issued the following statement: “Regarding the passing of Fred
Phelps, [husband] Dennis and I know how solemn these moments are for anyone who
loses a loved one. Out of respect for all people and our desire to erase hate,
we’ve decided not to comment further.”
As many of us should, Judy took
the high road.
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