As the transgender rights bill (Fairness
for All Marylanders Act) continues to work its way through the General Assembly
with hopefully positive results, the last big piece of legislation for LGBT
Marylanders will be joining marriage equality in the rear-view mirror. This is not to say the work is done, however.

While Equality Maryland re-tools
its mission to take on matters that concern these groups, there are those who
strongly believe that the most effective way to deal with anti-gay brushfires
around the state is to go local. The
recent physical attack of a gay couple in New York’s West Village should
underscore the fact that there are too many haters out there, which cannot be
masked by recent victories in marriage and transgender equality.
Having local affiliates
throughout the state, similar to what the NAACP does, makes patently good
sense. Volunteers consisting of LGBT
folks and allies in each county (or region) should form groups that could be
called, for example, “Equality Allegany” or “Equality Eastern Shore” or
“Equality Prince George’s” depending on the jurisdiction.
With an LGBT presence at the
local level, there could be more efficient ways to interact with the police on
crimes or hate bias incidents directed towards LGBT folks. Local affiliates could meet with police
representatives to discuss such matters and hold conversations to educate the
police on LGBT concerns that cannot be accomplished at the state level.
Local equality affiliates could
also interact with their elected officials whether they are county executives,
councilpersons, state representatives or other elected officials. Maryland is a diverse state with each
jurisdiction having unique problems.
Residents of these localities are familiar with these issues; perhaps
they know the officials well enough to have a cup of coffee and initiate
meaningful dialogue.
The same could be said for the
local school boards. Numerous LGBT
families have children attending schools, and there are, of course, LGBT kids
all over. While the state has
anti-bullying measures in place, individual incidents need to be addressed at
the local school board level. Who is
better equipped to discuss anti-bullying policies than those people living in
the same county and who may be members of the PTA or personally know members of
the board?
Getting the local business
community behind its LGBT neighbors cannot be overemphasized. As the fracas in Arizona proved, business
people saw discrimination as counter-productive and applied strong pressure on
Governor Brewer to veto the preposterous discriminatory bill. The local affiliate representatives should
meet with business owners—large and small—to determine how supporting LGBT
rights would be mutually beneficial.
I would also encourage each
local group to form a speakers’ bureau consisting of at least one LGBT person,
a parent of an LGBT child and another ally to foster trust and
understanding. The speakers would explain
that as more and more people come out as LGBT, they are your family members,
friends, classmates, neighbors and co-workers.
The presentations and discussions concerning LGBT issues should be
directed at businesses, government entities and even religious
organizations. They should push to get
invited; such talks would resonate given that the presenters are neighbors and
Efforts at the local level have
already paid dividends over the years, and there are already such “equality
organizations” in place. I’ve seen
firsthand the myriad accomplishments of PFLAG-Howard County, which is a model
for advocacy in the state. The chapter
has been successful at the county and state levels as well as in the private
sector to eliminate the last vestiges of discrimination.
The progress being made by both
The LGBT Center and the PFLAG chapter in Frederick has been notable. They are working with the police and
businesses to create a comfortable environment for a growing LGBT population in
what was once a very conservative area.
There are other PFLAG chapters
around the state that could serve as the root organization for the equality
affiliate. Chapters exist in Baltimore,
Carroll, Kent and Montgomery counties, so they would be off to a fast start. There has also been some movement in organizing
LGBT events in Anne Arundel.
The GLCCB perhaps could serve as
the principal organization in Baltimore City.
They have already taken big strides through their partnering with city
government on a number of issues and have maintained a good relationship with
the police—key successes in an urban environment.
Other affiliates, of course,
would have to be established in rural counties.
The tasks are more daunting in those areas given the socially
conservative mindset, but that is where the work is most needed. Again, one should stress that those folks are
their neighbors, customers, teachers, physicians and friends. It’s worked before; it should work again.
All this localization is not
designed to reduce Equality Maryland’s role in the quest for LGBT rights. On the contrary, that organization could be a
significant factor in the success of this effort. I believe it should serve as the umbrella
organization for the local affiliates.
Since the local groups would consist of volunteers, it would not place a
financial burden on Equality Maryland.
They can use their database to identify potential volunteers around the
The larger organization would
provide guidance on policy matters and connect the locals to elected officials. Equality Maryland could hold an annual
conference/fundraiser to discuss best practices among other subjects. To the extent Equality Maryland would have
control over the local groups would be left to the affiliates to
negotiate. This is a big undertaking that will take time to succeed. But going local is the right direction to take on the winding road to equality.
Excellent ideas.
Thank you, Steve. Those are all excellent ideas. Will re-post.
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